Wednesday, September 17, 2008

what is the purpose of blogging?

is there a strict purpose for blogging?

i guess i may not understand the idea of blogging

when i look at other person's blogs, people leave comments, they have a certain point of attack in their writing

but what is the point of a blog?

to just get there message out there?
to talk to other people?

i guess i just dont know
maybe someone can let me know so that i can start writing a more effective blog in a way
that people will read it more, or will talk back to me

let me know
peace out


Jenster said...

Different blogs have different purposes. Some are informational blogs. Some are inspirational blogs. Some are topical blogs (like reading, parents, sky diving, etc.) And some, like mine, are just miscellaneous. I started blogging to let my family and friends across the country know what was going on with us. It's turned into a bit more, but it still doesn't have a specific purpose.

As far as comments - do you visit a lot of blogs? If so, do you leave comments? That's truly the best way to get a "readership" who will leave comments. Still, I average around 100 hits a day and only a fraction of those hits leave comments.

Tina said...

I enjoy reading a number of blogs (yours included) and only recently figured out how to leave a comment! For some reason, I had the wrong username/password combination and it took me this long to get it right!
Anyway, as a new blogger, I get disappointed when I don't get comments on my posts.
As far as content, I think it can be whatever you want it to be. I happen to write about whatever is on my mind at the time. It seems pretty random, I'm sure, but that's the way my brain works!
Anyway, keep blogging. If for no other eason, to let your family and friends know what you are up to and what is going on in your life (wedding plans, maybe???)

Frank Chiapperino said...

Jenster is right. Leave comments on blogs and you will get comments. Blog more frequently and your readership will increase. Spread the link love -Link blogs on your blog and they will usually link you back. Write about things you are passionate about and things that you believe are important to others. Also reply in your comment area when people comment on your posts, it lets them know you read comments!

Brendon Foulke said...

well thanks friends for the imput
i guess i need to figure out what i want to write about and leave comments on other blogs
i never really thought about that
but that is a great point
so i guess i have more of a direction on what to do
i agree tina that i get discouraged when i dont see comments, it makes me think no one is reading my blog
thanks guys

Adam Flora said...

I'm reading homeslice! Be encouraged! ps. I'm getting better at that! :)

Andrew, your friendly Disciple of Christ said...

do you have analytics from google? that'll tell you if people visit your blog or not

Andrew, your friendly Disciple of Christ said...

sorry, didn't mean for that to sound rash

it'll tell you how many people read your blog, and some other cool stuff

Anonymous said...

I blog like it's a journal. If someone cares to read my thoughts, it gives me a little more motivation to ponder them.